Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Saturday to Remember

My wonderful sister-in-law Olivia was baptized Yesterday afternoon in her parent's pool. It was a beautiful day, for both the weather and the celebratory reasons, with lots of family and friends there to witness Olivia's step of faith in Baptism. It was an 'Anglican' Baptism, basically meaning that the congregation gathered is far more involved than a regualr baptismal service, in that there are specific readings (Dave and Josh both read scripture) followed by congregational responses. The service was quite liturgical(which was somewhat unexpected in a backyard setting), but the beautiful prayers and presentation of scripture created a very poetic feel to the entire afternoon. It was a great reminder of our necessary participation (for our own behalf) in our faith and relationship with Christ. This is no spectator sport - but an ongoing process of renewal and reformation for our souls. It was a much needed wake-up call for me, the queen of lazy-spirituality.

Afterwards we had family photos for the Dyck side, and I then went on a photo-frenzy, snapping photos of Terry and Diane's new home and their new puppy, Lucy. Brighid was kind enough to bring her fantastic camera, and I, not currently owning a camera, was perhaps a little over-the-top in my photo-taking. That night we sat out on the deck with Dave's parents, enjoyed wine and "Cherry Garcia" Ben & Jerry's, and daydreamed about our future. All in all a great Saturday!

Congratulations Liv, we are proud of you!

Lucy the Wonder-Dog!