Thursday, October 22, 2009

Amy Claire

This post is a congratulatory one - my friend Kim (, gave birth to a beautiful little girl just over a month ago. I finally got to meet her on Saturday - and she's even cuter in person. Congratulations, Kim (and Jordan), she's wonderful.


This past Saturday night, Dave and I, along with our fantastic friends Brad and Samantha, went to the Canucks vs. Minnesota game at GM Place. It was wonderful to see the Funstons (they were visiting from Moose Jaw), and the Canucks ended up winning the game (barely). Afterwards, we met up with Jay, Kyle, Spence, and Michelle. We went to the new restaurant/lounge in Ironwood, 'Brown's Social House'- which, I should mention, exceeded our expectations greatly - and had a fabulous time 'quadruple-dating'. I love you guys!

Ah, the self-portrait - a must.

I miss you already DB !

My mysterious little sister...that I love!

The overwhelmingly wonderful Michella-wella

Exactly what we did!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Thankfest and more

The day was filled with warm scents, familiar sounds, and all the hustle and bustle that comes naturally with an impending brood of 21 for dinner. The street hockey game was on, turkey was cooked, wine was poured, and, of course, music was played. My absolute favourite events are those spent with family.
This holiday weekend was filled with absolutely wonderful things. Wonderful food, wonderful people, and wonderful weather. I am feeling extremely blessed and fortunate to have spent so many wonderful moments with those that I love. Here, in no particular order - as per usual - are my thoughts.

Weekend Highlights:
- giving Gatty and Brig 'welcome home' hugs - and then continuing to hug them all weekend.
- baking a new 'pumpkin-crisp' recipe. Thank-you to
-watching Jim and Pam's wedding (The Office) with Dave, Jay, Kyle, Mom, Gat, Brig, Spence, Mich. Did someone change my name to Baskin Robbins?
-Hanging out with the Kroekers at the Giant's Game - and discovering similiar Office-obsessions.
-girlie-sleepover-spoonfest with Michella-wella.
-Breakfast with Auntie Ter and Uncle Guy
- STARBUCKS COFFEE on Saturday morning AND Saturday Night.
- Watching Michelle try and convince Spencer that a piece of starbucks merchandise is "cute" enough to buy (Also, the whipped cream incident, and Michelle's response).
- singing with Mom, Gat, and Auntie Tracey on Sunday morning
- getting a neck massage from my wonderful husband
- "Blitzing" with the other slaves. Well, Jalen was being an Elf I suppose.
-Watching Dave take down innocent children to score in Street Hockey.
- Playing Identity("I vas Oprah.") and losing to Mackenzie and Brighid.
- Trying to make the connection between the names Ferris and Peter.
- Singing 'Night Fell' with Jay Jay, Gat, and Momma.
-Drooling at the table because of Grandma's "Well did you ask 'Budget'?" Apple-give-a-way story.
The finished product of our chalkboard contest
Uncle Buggsy and I
part of Momma's Fall Display

Rockwell Family -but missing my Auntie Ter!
Dave is about to steal the puck from a child...
Just the ladies :)
I remember coming home for a visit in April - my Aunt and Uncle had surprised Jalen and flown me home for her shower - and feeling quite emotional at the thought of having to say goodbye again and leave to head back to Saskatchewan. Closing my eyes during one of our family "music-sing-a-long-fests" (for those of you who have been to some family gatherings, you know what I am referring to), I wanted to soak it all in and savor the things about home that I had been missing all year. Never would I have imagined that in 6 more months I would be moving back. There were several reasons that we decided to move back - number one, of course, being that we consider Vancouver our home, and had always planned on returning back here (one day). Another reason, and perhaps the deciding factor, was that Dave was going to be doing his schooling correspondence from Briercrest - and there was a flexible, well-paying, and closely located job here for him. So here we are. Although there are people in Moose Jaw that we miss (the Dyck's! the Funstons! the Wiebes! the Y Kids!) we feel strongly that this was the best decision for us. We are happy to be back in beautiful B.C. - and more than thankful for the love and support from all of our friends and family - the ones who we live near, and the ones we don't!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Son on the Water

My Auntie Terri sent me an email Today to share a favourite quote from a book she finished reading (Eat, Pray, Love). I thought I would share it. It's a beautiful illustration!

"I want God to play in my bloodstream the way sunlight amuses itself on water."
This quote began my thought-process about the play on words potential - SON on the water-Jesus on the water- His living demonstration of God's love for us, His creation.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Celebrate Celebrities (Acting Edition)

Now, I know what you are thinking - "A blog about Celebrities? How shallow." - and really, you're absolutely right. However, this is my blog, and I am allowed to post whatever I there. I do have a celebrity-gossip-magazine-fetish. Let me be more specific- certain celebrities do intrigue me, and not to say that I emulate these people, rather, that I enjoy their talent.
Certain friends of mine have made joking references to this in the past, stating that I "know everything about every celebrity." This, of course, is not true....or possible (I've tried).
So, without further adue, here is my fave-list of actors/celebrities, in no particular order, and why.

1) Jennifer Anniston - because she is unique in her comedy, clothing, and beauty. She has a sweet vulnerability about her, yet is confident and quick to laugh at her own expense. Also, she was on FRIENDS- love that show (along with the rest of the general population). Watch this:

2) Amy Poehler and Will Arnett - Potentially my favourite celebrity couple, because they are both so so so funny. They posess an enviable dry-wit, and I really enjoy their work (Will-arrested development, Amy-SNL, Baby Mama). Watch them interviewed together:
3) Reese Witherspoon - I have been told, on occasion, that I look similiar to her...which, is obviously a ridiculously-far-fetched call, but, I'll take it. She is extremely cute, and you get the impression that she is actually just a genuine, down-to-earth person, who acts for a living. She has never seemed to be caught up in the celebrity status. Also, she's dating Jake Gyllenhall. Wow.

4) Matthew Perry - I love his style of humour - dry, sarcastic, with a hint of slapstick....and once again, he was on FRIENDS. Also, he's Canadian.5) Rachel McAdams - 2 words - THE NOTEBOOK. Also, she is naturally stunning, Canadian, and unique. 6) Taylor Kitsch - Friday Night Lights - Funny, ridiculously handsome, canadian....need I say more? 7) Kristin Chenoweth - Wicked, Pushing Daisies, Glee - she is stunning, has a gorgeous voice, and a charming wit. Watch this: The Entire Office Cast - I just absolutely love that show. The first in its class, fresh, witty, and completely awkward, it has revolutionized modern comedic television! Here are some favourite office moments: 9) Jim Carrey - Dumb and Dumber...The Truman Show...Ace Ventura...The man is hilarious. AND Canadian. So there you have it. I'm sure there are more....but Dinner awaits. I hope you enjoyed my guilty-indulgence.