Monday, April 26, 2010

The One the Only: Clint Eastwood

Seriously, could he be more adorable?

A little closer to the Dirty Harry era

And still so so so awesome.

Here is a fantastic article about Clint.

Here is an interview Clint did with Ellen.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Random updates and thoughts and so on and so forth without rhyme or reason:

Hall and Oates’ “Rich Girl” has quickly become one of my favourite guilty-pleasure songs.

Howie the Havanese (new family puppy) is so so so fantastic. I love him. Here’s me and my new furry friend:

Gatlin and Brighid return home this week – entirely awesome.My Brother and his new friend Che

Brighid being so cute I want to end it all. Gilly...

The more time I spend downtown, the more time I want to spend downtown.

I started making jewelry somewhat similar to Estsy’s Bloom line. Not as cool…but I’m trying.

It is sinking in that soon I will be living in a different province/country from 4 of my closest friends. Meg’s in Ontario, Sam’s in Sask, Tannis is in Manitoba, and Michelle is moving to Portland. A warning to my local friends: prepare yourself for a needier than normal whitney come fall.

My commute has become enjoyable only thanks to the 1000 dollar minute. Now they just need to take my call.

My amazing little sister Jalen is doing really well Health-wise. She also looks fantastic – In fact, I am going to attempt to ride on her trendiness-coattails. Wish me luck. Here she is in all her awesomeness:

My husband is the hardest studying person I know – I’m questioning whether or not he is in fact a human. He is leaving for Texas in 2 weeks to complete his training. I will miss him. A lot. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing he’ll return as my even hunkier fireman husband. That’s worth months of training and a few weeks apart I’d say. Can you imagine him being hunkier than this?

Meg is coming in June. Wonderfulness will ensue. She is awesome, and so is her Card-making business - all a product of her beautiful photo-taking.
Two Tall Trees

I have a purse problem lately. Oh yes, and shoes. Oh yes, and clothing in general.

I have a very exciting secret/project in the works. Stay tuned for details. No it is not baby-related.

There is a possibility that our family will head to Nova Scotia this fall. Here’s hoping.

I have become a blog-reading-nut. Here are the current faves:

The Pioneer Woman
The Lettered Cottage
Young House Love
Ann Taintor
Casa Sugar
Fab Sugar

I'm quite aware that I need to actually get my life together and start taking pictures/blogging/etc.

This quote best describes my current state: “The years just flow by like a broken down dam.” –John Prine, Angel from Montgomery

I’m happy, but frazzled. Perhaps more melancholy than normal these days – but I assure you, for reasons I cannot yet disclose, change is a-comin’.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Wrigley

Shy, affectionate, curious and always pretty: Wrigley.

We got her for free in Estevan, Saskatchewan. She moved with us...twice(once across 2 provinces) and rarely misbehaved. Wrigley was almost 2 years old. She died on Tuesday.

She was my kitty, and I loved her very much.