Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tea Shower for Jalen

This past weekend my fantastic and wonderfully generous Aunt and Uncle flew me home to surprise Jalen for her very special 'Tea Shower'. It was so great to be back home, even if it was only for a couple of days. My Auntie Terri is the best shower-thrower in the world and had some of the delicious food catered from 'The Secret Garden Tea House' in Kerisdale. Brighid and I helped with some of the preparation (though, to be honest, my Aunt had nearly every detail already taken care of!), and Gatty, Uncle Guy, Kyle (the groom), and Lyle helped as the servers for the afternoon. It was an absolutely fantastic event - and I know Jalen felt like a princess (and not just because of the dollar-store quality tiara I had purchased for her to wear).
While I was home I also got to visit with some of my closest girlie friends, have delicious Maguro sushi with my family, and soak up the lush BC landscape I had missed so dearly.

A little taste of home to help me get through the Spring! Now it's only a week and a1/2 until Brighid is here for Easter, and 5 1/2 weeks until the wedding! Wow...I better get busy with the Matron(how old and grouchy does that sound?!)-of-Honour duties before me.

Here are some of Brighid's photos of the Shower. Enjoy!

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