Tuesday, August 4, 2009

For Davey

To my best friend and true love....and fantastic Husband :)

Here are a list of reasons why I love you more today than our wedding day:

1) You laugh at all (well, almost all) of my lame jokes. Even when I'm laughing at them by myself, you will atleast laugh at me for that....
2) You always take the garbage out. I hate garbage.
3) You tell me I look beautiful even in times when most of the free world would rightfully disagree.
4) You have yet to kill me for our Life Insurance. Thanks.
5) You are a really good free-style rapper....and Journey singer/duet partner.
6) You look good in 'Coach Hines' short-shorts. Dang good.
7) You share in my Friends/Office/ Friday Night Lights obsession, and will even discuss the Bachelorette with me after even the most ridiculous of episodes.
8) You are never jealous when I want to spend time or talk with my girlfriends, and you always indulge me when I feel homesick for my family.
9) You never get upset when I wake you up in the middle of the night to make sure I make it down the dark hallway to the bathroom okay (it's perfectly normal for an adult woman to be afraid of the dark...)
10) You love me, even when I'm unloveable.

I married a genuine, soft-hearted, kind, capable, motivated, and handsome man of great character....and I couldn't be happier.

I love you Davey.

On our Honeymoon in Maui!


Mrs. Michelle said...

I agree, you married a WONDERFUL man who I feel lucky to call a friend. Congratulations to the two of you. I love you both very much!

Katherine Ernst said...

So cute. Happy anniversary to you both!!

Kimberly said...

what a sweet post. 2 years is an accomplishment :) you guys should be proud!