Monday, November 8, 2010

Chit Chat with Guy Smiley

Here is a picture-of-a-picture I found of my Uncle Guy and I taken in 1990 (or close to):
One thing I remember about my childhood is that I always loved to talk with adults.  I enjoyed being included in grown-up conversations, even when I had little to no idea of what they were talking about.  I'm not sure why I had such an interest in adulthood.  There are a lot of things I love about being an adult....but who doesn't long for the days when you could literally sip a glass of juice with your oh-so-hilarious Uncle Guy and feel like the most interesting girl in the world?  I know I do :) Good thing he still makes me feel that way.

1 comment:

tash said...

This actually makes me laugh every time. You are the cutest!