Friday, June 4, 2010

Bingo to Ringo

Last Friday I won a radio contest. Yes, a radio contest – and it was no “9th caller wins” – I had to answer a brain-game question in order to claim my rightful prize.  So here was the question:

“4 out of 5 women feel better after doing THIS – What is it?”
Here were some of the pathetic answers of fellow listeners: Listen to music, weed the garden, etc. etc.
I knew it had to be more simple (and shallow) than that if 4 out of 5 women said they felt better. I knew it couldn’t have been ‘eat chocolate’, because the stats would have been atleast 6 out 5 women.  So I called (not knowing the prize – this is truly a leap of faith, right?).  My call was answered. And then this happened:

Host:  Hi there, What’s your name?
Me:  Uh, Whitney (I was anxious to blurt out my answer).
Host:  Okay Whitney, and what do you think is it that 4 out of 5 women feel better after doing?
Me:  Hair or Makeup?
Host:  Well, it’s in that genre so we’ll give you another try.
Me:  Ok….how about put lipstick on?

And then, without me realizing beforehand, Bingo lead to Ringo…

I won tickets to the RiverRock Theatre to see “RAIN – The Beatles Experience” 

Here, have a taste of their awesomeness for yourself:
 It was a fantastic night – a date with my beatle-loving momma – who won 15 beans on the slot machines (yes, I rhyme) and squandered it all on booze....

Well, on a glass of wine for herself and a cider for me to enjoy while we took in the fabulousness that is the Beatles music.  
 All because of lipstick. And radio contests. And me finally connecting the two.

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