Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Other Halves

Friday night marked the beginning of a smid-filled weekend. We ventured out to Maguro Sushi - for the food, not the service - and spent the evening convincing Michelle that sushi and seafood and sunomono salad really is glorious - she had just been misled (or perhaps deceived) by previously experiencing otherwise. Now, Michelle is no fool when it comes to cooking and delicious cuisine - that I will admit. HOWEVER, by living in denial of all things seafood, she is, in my opinion, missing out on one of the greatest blessings known to the human tastebud(s). Despite this misjudgement - she is a great friend. She indulged her seafood loving husband and friends in several ways:
1)She chose from the limited non-fishy menu without complaining (chicken teryaki.was the obvious choice).
2)She refrained from making gagging noises or gestures while the 3 of us binged on sashimi and ebi sunomono.
3)She agreed to return to said Sushi joint should we ever propose the idea again.
Here is the evidence:
what developed chopstick-holding ability.
sheer distain on his face for the 
person taking the picture.

please note the sexy tattoo cleavage.

Saturday began with a birthday party for the coolest 3-year-old in town.  Noah had a Thomas the Tank Engine party at the beach (yes, trains LOVE the beach) and despite it being at 10am (yes, we enjoy sleeping in on our days off. yes, we don't have children.  yes, that might be one of the reasons.) we had a fantastic time with the Kroekers, Olferts and Smids (our other not-ready-for-kids-yet partners in crime).
Saturday evening consisted of the first summer season BBQ - complete with homemade mojitos that basically propelled me into full-on warm weather mode.Sunday morning we heard from Jon and Suzi Livingstone about their work with the Dalit Freedom Network.  They have the amazing priviledge of working full-time with an organization that embodies truth.  Read about their work here.

Sunday afternoon came with more gorgeous weather, perfect for a patio lunch with friends, a walk around the market, and a FRIENDS marathon with the beautiful Natalia. This was a highlight:

Aaaaand…..then it was Monday.


Mrs. Michelle said...

Love it.
Love you.

Kimberly said...

this made me laugh.

For all the reasons listed above, I SO miss my life before baby.
